Recently, I decided to take God up on one of His insurance policy procedures that He has given us in his word. It was not a big thing, nothing life threatening, or so hazardous that I would have had to yell for help immediately. To be quite honest, it had to do with work. Being self-employed offers you a wide spectrum of chances to have your faith tested. Most days you have a lot to do but there are those days or weeks when things begin to dry up and you began to wonder when the next client is going to come.
I sometimes tend to mope along when that starts happening and without noticing it, my peace is gone and I am grumbling within myself. Just like the children of Israel, who were traveling through the wilderness, I forget the provisions of God in my past. So, within myself, I knew that something had to change and that it had to change in me. For if God is unchangeable, if He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, then something was wrong with my perception and I knew that if I wanted my peace back, my thinking needed revising.
It is comforting to know that I am not the only one that has to revise their thinking. In John 16, we see the disciples in the same boat. Jesus was informing them of the future and what would happen and they were totally lost. 'They were so use to him being among them that they thought it was going to go on forever. In fact, they got down right depressed as he started talking about persecution and his going away. They had lost their peace. They were bickering at one another again, asking each other questions, not understanding, but not approaching Jesus.
Finally, Jesus intervened and gave them an insurance that is an assurance that they would never be alone. He says "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." As I read those words, I started recalling all of the things that I could remember God doing for me in the last two weeks, two days, two hours and rejoicing over what had happened in the past. I knew I had the best employment insurance in the world. And my peace came back. It surfaced as I began to rejoice in who God is and what he has done for me. It surfaced as I realized that I am not alone. Yes, we will have trouble. The rain falls and the sun shines on us all, but those who trust in God have a special clause written in their insurance policy that causes us to take heart because Jesus has overcome the world.
May God grant you peace,
Pat Garcia Schaack
(Bible Verse is from John 16:33 New International Version)