Turning points happen in everyone's life however some of us just do not notice them. They come and we are usually so busy with what is going on in our lives that we practically fall into something new without realizing how we got there. At least, that is the way it was for me until my 30th birthday. Months before I turned 30 I began to notice that things had started happening that I no longer could control. It was a creepy, wierd feeling because I was a control freak and did not like not moving in a dark, cloudy and unknown world. Feeling very insecure I had no idea what the next day was going to bring. And to my further dismay, I was forced to make decisions that I had been trying to avoid. Things like whether or not I should stay in Germany, go to a German church, learn the German language, work with Americans or work as a local resident on the German economy. All of these questions were bombarding my mind and robbing my peace. They were questions that needed to be answered but I did not want to address as I started heading towards my 30th birthday. To be quite honest I wanted to stay safely put and not see any changes take place in my life. I was very happy with the way things were. But God saw my life much differently than I. All of my dear friends and family began to leave Germany because they were relocated somewhere else and as each one left, family by family, I saw my small world change rapidly, much faster than I wanted it too. Talking about being comfortable, my comfortability, on a scale from 0 to 10, was 0. I did not feel comfortable with what was happening and cried many tears, had many temper tantrums and experienced many sleepless nights. In those days, it took lots of time for me to accepts the major turning points that were being made in my life. How could I have known that I would one day be speaking German fluently, loving the German culture and its people and seeing Germany as my second home. All of that seemed quite impossible as I started moving towards my 30th year. However, during those years God spoke into my spirit a standard verse that has become one of the pillars of my life. "All things work together for the good of those who love the LORD and are called according to His purposes" (Romans 8:28 paraphased by papgs) I had that verse everywhere. It was written on towels, cooking utensils, practically anything that I could buy where that verse was quoted. And even though I do not have to display it in my home these days as a courage builder, it is still there instilled in my heart and it speaks to me because it is in my spirit and I have experienced its truth.
That was almost 30 years ago. I am, again, approaching a landmark in my life and I feel GOD making a turn, moving me beyond my comfortability and into new borders that I can not even comprehend at this moment. Paul told the Phillipians and I paraphase it, " Not that I have reached the mark, but I press on to the mark of my high calling". I never quite understood that verse totally. Sure, I had read it and could expound on it. But what is expounding or explanation without spiritual revelation? What is HE calling me to? HE searches for people who are willing to do His bidding. Isaiah said 'LORD here am I, send me'. But am I ready? Can one say yes without knowing all the details? Isaiah did and so did many others. So as I walk towards the corridor that says 60, I have said yes to GOD. Again, I have renewed my vow. I do not know what the next 10 years will bring but I do know that I will keep pressing on toward the mark of my high calling. The race is not won until I step over the finished line. Thus, as Isaiah stood, now also stand I at the beginning of a new transition saying. here am I LORD, send me.
May the LORD who is near to all who call on HIM, keep all of you in HIS everlasting arms.
Pat Garcia Schaack
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