Time is moving quickly. 2009 is in its last hours, minutes and seconds. The year has had its highlights. There are moments that we will never forget and yet I say, the future lies ahead.
Looking back at incidents and experiences causes us to reminisce and breathe a sigh of thankfulness. Thankfulness for not being blown away when the storms were strong. Thankfulness for insight when we were lost. Thankfulness for love when we were surrounded by emotional coldness. Thankfulness for joy when we were mourning; thankfulness for light in the midst of darkness. Our hindsight creates within us a certain nostalgie that causes our sentiments to rise and we are thankful.
However, the Spirit of GOD is now calling us forward. HE is calling us into the unknown of a New Year. HE is prompting us to stretch our borders, open our hearts and let our spirits be renewed with new power. HE is challenging us to let Him change our mindset, HE is asking us to release our animosities and hurts and lay down our scorn. HE is bidding us to let go of the old habits and to embrace new ones. HE would like to give us a new vision and the power to create. HE wants to take us beyond our own expectations into the realm of what HE can do.
The Psalmist cried out, "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord". So, as I leave 2009 behind me, I am truly thankful to our SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, who brought about our reconcilation to GOD, I am thankful to GOD for being true at His Word and being their twenty-four/seven for me, and I am thankful for the HOLY SPIRIT who is ever present and living within all of us who have accepted JESUS CHRIST as our LORD and SAVIOUR.
Shh, I hear a knock! I believe it is 2010 saying let me in. In a few hours, the designated time will have come and I am looking forward to it. The challenges are there. Will I published my first book, get my first consulting contract, contribute more in the world of music? All unanswered desires that can only be answered as I begin to take on the challenge of dealing with the future and seeking His will for 2010. The year 2009 was a very good year.I have experienced his faithfulness, his love, his mercy and his joy in my life. Yes, I am truly thankful. It is comforting to know that GOD was good at His Word.
Ahh, my heart and my eyes have turned towards the future! I see joy waving at me, mercy begging me to come on, faithfulness asking me to keep up, love standing there brightly wanting to embrace me and goodness holding my hand, assuring me that they know the way as I walk beside them.
The Psalmist said, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever". (Psalm 23, KJV)
Thus, I dedicate this verse to all of you, my readers, and take this moment to thank all of you with this wonderful promise from the Word of GOD. Your words of encouragement have kept me going in rough times, your faith in me have made me keep writing, and your love have given me wings to fly. I wish all of you a blessed crossing over into the New Year and I claim GOD'S goodness and mercy upon your lives for 2010.
May the God who is near to all who call on Him,
- Give you dreams and visions of His future for your life,
- Give you the courage to move forth and take action, to step out and be counted,
- Give you love for yourself so that you can reach out and love others,
- Give you joy that overflows from His Spring of living waters
- Give you peace that surpasses all understanding.
And Keep you in His Everlasting Arms!
Pat Garcia Schaack
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