He felt lonely. Being a long ways from home, things were not like they used to be. He missed the smell of freshly baked bread, the sounds at the market and the endless number of people who went in and out of the city. Actually, their city, though so small and tiny, was a multi-racial society. One could say it was multi-cultural. Everybody had heard of it and tourism was great. People visited it looking at the splendor. In fact it was the country that everyone wanted to live in. He would have never thought that one day he would live somewhere else besides in his beloved country, his homeland.
He missed the traditions. The festival celebrations. Women dressed up immaculately, looking like royalty, men in their best clothes and children clothed in garments with loud joyful color. Yes, it was joyful in those days. One walked down the street and was admired. People whispered as they walked by: "There goes the man or woman who belonged to the Invisible GOD". But those days had passed.
Although things had changed some months ago, the memories were still painful. How could they have been so ignorant? Had they really taken it all for granted? Had not the prophets prophesied good times, continued prosperity, long life and favour? Why had they not been truthful? Could they as a people have really been so blind as to not hear the voice of the Lord in their hearts? Had they unjustly persecuted those who had only meant for them to remain in the favour of El Shaddai? Had they really defied their GOD by stoning those who spoke truth, throwing them into dungeons and mentally abusing them?
Questions, never ending questions, that went through his mind as he sat there trying to learn the new language, adjusting to a totally new culture.
It was a strange culture. People worshipped gold, silver and wood. They sought advice from magicians, astrologers, sorcerers and the Chaldeans. Yes, they were a strange people.
His own people considered him to be lucky. Having been born with royal blood in his veins, he was looked up to in his home country. One considered him handsome, he had no blemish, was well favoured before King Johoiakim of Judah, skillful in all wisdom, cunning in knowledge and understanding in science. He had everything going for him. He had never thought that he would someday be living in captivity.
But here he was, lonely, confused and imprisoned in a country where he did not want to be, seeking GOD, whom they had not honored. Among all the people taken into capitivity, Daniel, and his three buddies, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah had been four of the ones chosen to learn the teachings, writings and the language of the Chaldeans. He was allowed to eat from the king's table and drink from the king's wine, but he purposed in his heart to refuse it. His friends had joined him, not knowing where it would lead them.
Given three years to learn everything was not bad, he thought, considering that he was not paying the bill. It was being picked up by the king yet he hungered for his GOD. The invisible GOD who was merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and in truth. The GOD who had carved out the universe and had chosen their father, Abraham, whom HE had called out to be the father of many nations. Yes, his heart yearned for the GOD who in His anger and disappointment, heartbreak and grief had turned his back on His chosen children.
Why had they not listened to the ill forebodings of the prophets? Why had they continued to believe those who said they saw good things? As the thoughts ran through his mind, he was tormented by what was and what now is. In his heart he knew deep within, their hearts had grown cold. Some-how or another, they had let their wealth and prosperity blind them. Their successes had built up their pride, and the favor that they had enjoyed, they had used to fertilize the ground of their hearts with pride and arrogance. No one had seen the tragedy coming. They were all secure or so they thought. They were prosperous and living high. No one had noticed that they were being entangled into a world of deception and selfish love. Their refusal to judge themselves and turn back to righteous living had caused them to loose everything. Oh, how dumb they were!
He was down, really down but he knew that the only way up was confession, repentance and acceptance of the consequences. Thus, slowly he began to accept his situation and to look for GOD among the rubble, among the chaos, among the broken pieces of his life. His first step to sanity had already brought about his first challenge. He had proposed in his heart not to eat what came from the king's table or drink the king's wine. It had taken some time to convince Ashpenaz, the prince of the eunuchs whom had been given charge of them but finally he convinced him and Melzar, whom Ashpenaz had put over them took away their portions and gave him and his companions who had decided to join him, porridge for ten days to see if there was any difference in their appearance.
It had been risky but he had known deep down inside of himself, that if GOD was full of mercy, HE would show Himself as merciful and give them favor. And did he show himself as merciful! After ten days, Daniel and his three buddies were healthier than all those who received food from the king's table. My, was he happy!!! That was the sign he had been looking for. Now he knew that neither he nor all of his people who were taken into captivity were alone. GOD was still there, even in that country where they had been banished. GOD knew where his path would lead even though Daniel had no idea.
At the end of their education designated by the king, he and his friends were considered to be the smartest of all. They had been blessed with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. King Nebuchadnezzar was really impressed.
Then one day the king had a dream and it troubled his spirit. He was so troubled that he could not sleep. However, there was a big problem. He could not remember the dream. King Nebuchadnezzar called all of his magicians, astrologers, sorcerers and the Chaldeans but no one could tell him what he had dreamed and in a state of rage, he ordered that all of them be killed.
As Arioch, the captain of the king's guard came to get Daniel and his buddies to kill them, Daniel wisely asked what the problem was. Arioch told him that the king had had a dream that troubled him deeply but did not remember what he had dreamed and all the magicians, astrologers, sorcerers, and the Chaldeans could not tell him what he had dreamed.
Then Daniel asked the king for time and went into his buddies and told them the problem. He asked them to join with him and beseech the GOD of heaven to reveal the dream so that they might not die with the others.
And the GOD of Heaven showed the dream to Daniel in a night vision.
What a powerful insight into Daniel and his trust in GOD. Here was a young man who had been taken into capitivity. I do not believe that Daniel was shouting songs of joy as he was being carried away to a strange country. He was alone, in a strange world with strange customs and a strange language. Yet he proposed in his heart to trust GOD. It must have taken a lot of willpower to rise above the rejection that he was feeling from GOD at that time. The people of Judah had got themselves into an intolerable predicament with an irreversible sentence of 70 years of imprisonment in a foreign country.
Often, we too bring ourselves into intolerable situations because of our arrogance and selfish love of doing or getting what we want, while not thinking about the consequences. Fighting to understand what has happened, we are tempted to blame GOD for our messes, our wrong choices, our irresponsibility. Daniel, however, humbled himself instead of blaming GOD and proposed in his heart to trust Him. To trust Him, Daniel had to seek Him. He was not sure that GOD was going to listen to him because they had messed up badly. But it did not stop him from pleading for mercy. He knew from reading and studying the laws left by Moses, that GOD was merciful, gracious, longsuffering and good. So, he sought GOD'S mercy.
Daniel was a humble man. He wore a garment of humility from the heart. Even though he had gone in capitivity, he recognized the favour of GOD was on his life, in that Daniel was given the chance to re-order his life, to learn and adjust to something new, to intercede for his people and to be a mouthpiece for GOD. Of course he was in capitivity, and GOD did not plan to take him out of captivity, but HE did plan to lead his through it. Daniel had a lot to learn and he learned it. We do not hear him praying GOD get me out of this god forsaken country or get me out of this mess that I am in. His heart yearned for what GOD wanted.
Finally, Daniel learned how to give thanks and he learned how to bless the LORD. Beginning with the first test of life, he learned who his source was. So, when GOD showed him the king's dream in a night vision, the first thing that he did was blessed the GOD of heaven. He did not run to the king or to his buddies and say "I got it." He did not run out in the streets and say "look at me, look what I did". He did not claim the credit for himself. Instead the Bible says:
"Then Daniel blessed the God of Heaven. Daniel answered and said:
Blessed be the name of GOD forever and ever; for wisdom and might are His; And HE changeth the times and the seasons; HE removeth kings and setteth up kings; HE giveth wisdom unto the wise and knowledge to those who know understanding; HE revealeth the deep and secrets things; HE knows what is in the darkness and the light dwelleth with HIM.
I thank thee and I praise thee O thou GOD of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might; And hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee; For thou hast now made known unto us the king's matter". (Daniel 2:20-23, NKJV)
How many times have we come up against impossible odds and experience success or made decisions based on our faith which has caused us to win triumphantly, but we have claimed the honor for ourselves. Of course we thank GOD, but it is a small thank you hidden somewhere in the silent chambers of our hearts. How many times have we been delivered and rescued out of situations that were painful after pleading with GOD and making all kinds of vows, only to get a small case of amnesia about what we have vowed when the crisis is over. And, how many times have we forgotten to bless God for the turning point in our lives and for bringing us through the situations which we knew were impossible, if HE had not intervened?
When I am honest and judge myself, I have to admit that there have been times when I have gone through dark valleys and made many vows while there, that I forgot quickly when I was allowed to bathe again in the sunlight of my LORD. That is why Daniel's proclamation stirs my heart and has brought change into my dealings with GOD, with others and with what I say.
As I get older, I have begun to realize that GOD really is the one who changes the times and the seasons in our lives. The realization of this fact helps me to let go. It does not help me to understand what is happening. It does not change the taste of the lesson needed to be learned or shorten the path of the experience I have to go through. However, what tastes bitter when swallowed, leaves a sweet taste when it is over. No wonder JESUS said on the night before his crucifixion as Peter used his sword to cut off the right ear of the servant of the High Priest, "Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?" (John 18:11, NKJV) I do not have to figure out the answers. Letting go, frees my heart to walk the path GOD has chosen for me. It allows me to experience His guidiance, His provision, and the promises given to me from His Word. Within my spirit, there is that blessed assurance that HE sees the whole picture and HE is in control and I am then at peace with my world, with my situation.
Daniel learned how to humbled himself and live a life full of humility and reverence as he went into and lived in captivity which caused him to be loved and blessed by GOD. For the next three or four months, I will be looking specifically at Daniel. Please join me as I examine his faith, his relationship to GOD, his relationship to others and his life style.
May the LORD bless you and keep you,
May His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.
May the LORD lift His countenance upon you and give you peace.
Pat Garcia Schaack
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