Blue skies, white clouds, birds singing, flying high. Planes grounded. People stranded. Worrying about how they will get home. Farmers and their families boarded into close sleeping quarters waiting to see what will happen next. ? Is this end of our existence? Will we have to start over? Will she explode or not? If you were asked by any human being outside of the people in Island, who is Eyjafjallajoekull,you probably would have said, 'who's that?'
Fifteen April, however, changed that and everyone got to know her. In fact she made herself known by distributing an eruption that laid European Airports helpless. People were speechless. Lost for words, totally frustrated because the world was not running as it was supposed to run. The university graduates with all of their BAs', MAs', PHDs' and any other kind of degree title did not have any answers. They were no longer in control. Being totally overburdened with the phenomenon that was taking place, all of them whether they were politicians, scientists, economists, or any other decisionmaker could only behold how one of the motors of the business world ,the airline industry, was wrapped in a hand grip that grounded the major European Airports. People were stranded and for four days no one knew what to do. Chaos to the max! What's going on?
Hardworking men, 1000 feet (330m) below ground returning upward into daylight, a new crew getting ready to submerge into the darkness deep under the ground. Working in a mine is not an easy job. The risks are tremendous regardless of the safety standards that people have put into place.
No one knows what happened. The changing shift felt air and went back to find the cause. They found injured people and dead bodies. Their reaction, to get out of there as quickly as possible. They did not know what had happened but they knew it was dangerous. What do you do in a situation like that? How do you explain the unexplainable? What's going on?
It was early morning. Kids were in school. People were arriving at work. Some were on the way. Others were at home, some probably had just turned over and reset the alarm clock for another 15 minutes snooze. What happened no one expected, but a few seconds changed their lives forever. Six point nine on the Richter scale, the earth shook like a bowl of jello and houses came tumbling down. schools caved in and debris became the burial gound for many. What's going on?
It was supposed to be a day to honor those who were slain in the Second World war. Those who had been needlessly murdered . The Polish people were the pinball on a billiard table for years between two nations before they were finally able to celebrate their national solidarity and their sovereignty. Thus, this was a special day enroute to Katyn. What happened, no one knows. The people who could tell us are no longer, for on that day 96 people went down as the plane tried to land in heavily foggy weather. What's going on?
The earth cries out in pain. It is distraught and we are mourning our lost. We seek answers but where do we go to find them?
As I look back, I remember very well the years of 2001 through 2003. I began the year saying goodbye to two of my loved ones and one of them was my Dad. If you had told me in the year 2000 that I would say goodbye to seven people whom I had built close ties with beginning with the year 2001, to include also my mother in 2002, I probably would have thought you were crazy. As I talked to my father the day before he died, we shared a father-daugther conversation and I closed our transatlantic talk telling him that I loved him and would call again tomorrow to speak to my mother. Little did I know that those would be the last words that I would say to him. And through the next two years, each death was a blow and I cried out what's going on?
Where do you go when you do not know what is happening in your life? Where do you go in the midst of the crisis? Who do you cry out to? Where do you find the peace you need to calm the storms within you and around you? Whom do you ask for help when it seems as if you are going under?
One word answer, JESUS. The storm was high;the boat was filling with water. The more water they threw out, the more the water came in. It was a helpless task, they were defeating themselves and saw that they were going to go under. Meanwhile, JESUS was lying in the boot of the boat, sleeping after a hard day's work, regenerating his earthly body. How could he sleep when this storm was about to destroy them all. Appalled HÉ was awoken by his disciples, Master do you not care if we all perish? I believe JESUS look at them with sleep in his eyes and probably also a little bit of humour as he told the storm to be still. And they were speechless. Who is this man that can calm the sea with a word? A question that they would continually asked themselves until the day of his resurrection when they discovered what's going on. JESUS the Risen LORD.
This is not humanism. Man is not the center of the universe. The beginning of man is not himself, it is GOD. Neither is it fatalism for the end of man is not the end,HE faces GOD his Creator either as his judge or as his Redeemer. Neither is it the beauty of nature that saves us, it is the blood of JESUS CHRIST, the Son of GOD and that same JESUS will take us through every what's going on crisis we face on our journey.
In my crisis during those two years 2001-2003, I cried out to JESUS, In my pain, I found comfort in HIS eternal word. In my despair, I took Him up on His invitation to go to Him if I were burdened and weighted down and I held on to that promise that HE would give me rest. In my loneliness, I reached out to Him as a small child would reach out to her father and I cuddled up in His Word as revealed in the Bible and felt His nearness. No longer was I alone. There is nothing that can seperate us from the love of GOD.
Thus let us move out and move forward. Let us stand out like lights brightly shinning in darkness. People are looking for answers and we have them. They want to know what's going on and we are the people that can tell them and lead them back home to GOD. If Nineveh turned back to GOD in sackcloth and ashes as Jona preached repentance, how much more will the people in our families, in our circle of friends and acquaintances, in our countries turned back when they see us walking a life of right living through Christ Jesus that compels them to repent.
May the LORD who is near to all who call on Him give you peace throughout the following week.
Pat Garcia Schaack
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