Today is Memorial Day. A day of tribute to the United States Armed Forces men and women all over the world who have died protecting the rights and privileges that we so richly enjoy and also for those who are now serving in some foreign country, seperated from that which is most precious to them: their families, their friends, their country. Peace is not to be taken for granted. It is not a gift on a silver platter waiting to be served up like a dish of ice cream. No, someone paid the price by stepping up to the plate and saying yes to protect those rights we have; yes to defend in case of invasion. Thomas Jefferson wrote, even in the imperfect time where slavery still existed, 'we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and are endowed with certain inalienable rights'. He had a vision. That vision spurred him to help form the United States of America. Today as we honor those in the Armed Forces let us never forget that the price of freedom is high. GOD bless our soldiers wherever you are, serving for the United States of America. Thank you and GOD bless USA. Schalom.
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