It is the journey that counts and not the years. No one knows when their trip will end. However our future depends not on how long we live but on the decisions that we make on our journey now. It is what we do on the journey that counts!
Some people start out with everything and end up with nothing. Others start out with little to nothing and end up with it all. Starting the journey is not about equality. No one starts out with the same measure of talent or the same book balance on their bank accounts. Not everyone is born in a two story house, a log cabin or a villa with a three car garage. Choice of parents, color of skin, nationality and country are not options that we are allowed to choose. However, GOD has given each one of us talents; some one, others two, some three, others five or even more. It is how we perceive our talents, these inalienable gifts that GOD has placed inside of us that determines how we travel through the earth. It is what we do on the journey that counts!
What are we doing with our treasure troves which are filled with those spiritual goodies of hope, faith, love, understanding, mercy, truth, goodness and joy? Have we cherished someone along the way; comforted someone in their time of despair; given hope to a young one who was hovering at the line of hopelessness; encouraged the faith of someone in whom we saw great potential that they did not see in themselves; shown understanding to a person who has moved over into the golden age of life and is not quite as quick on their feet as we are; been merciful to someone who is tied up in a labyrinth of false choices seeking a way out; stood for truth when it was most uncomfortable to stand, at the risk of being labeled as the odd ball; opened up our wallets and shown the goodness of GOD by sacrificing our own needs for the more important needs of another; or brought joy to someone by giving that most precious gift of all 'time' and sharing precious moments at a Cafe, or whatever makes them happy. It is what we do on the journey that counts!
Recently I had the chance of reaching out to two people who had lost their husbands suddenly. One ended his journey at the age of 52, the other at the age of 74. Although many sent cards and flowers or made phone calls to express their condolences, I decided to take the time and visit each lady. To look them in their eyes, to give them a hug and let them see my concern and my heartfelt sympathy for their lost. For myself, I made a remarkable discovery during my visit to one of them. It was the embracement with a hug that soothe the pain, and if only for a little while, the widow did not feel alone. It is what we do on the journey that counts!
Another week has started. There are a lot of people out there and this is one thing that I am sure of. There are people out there whom we confront everyday who will need a kind word, or an encouraging kick so that they can succeed, or a joyful laugh when they have messed it up, or a hug at the moment of despair or whatever. The question is not just about feeding the world, or clothing the hungry in other parts of the world. That is something that is necessary and needed. Let us not stop reaching out all over the world, however, let us also be willing to look at what is before our own noses and reach out and do something about those people who are close to us; our families to include church family, our neighbors, our work colleagues and the city in which we live. Farsightedness lets us see those things or people which are afar off, nearsightedness lets us only see those things or people directly close to us, but twenty/twenty vision gives us the joy of seeing perfectly and our treasure troves increase to overflowing because of our willingness to reach out with our hearts and invest in others.
It is what we do on the journey that counts!
May the LORD bless and keep you,
May His light shine upon you,
And may the peace of GOD accompany you as you walk through this week.
Pat Garcia Schaack
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