One of the most exhilarating steps in the change process is that you are becoming. It is exhilarating because you are excited, happy, walking on a cloud you cannot see and therefore you cannot control it. If you cannot control it, then you cannot stop it and if you cannot stop it, then you must relax in the hands of GOD and lean on him. He knows exactly where you are supposed to land. Sure, it is scary for you, but oh how it glorifies the Father in heaven because you have become totally dependent upon him and then you have the ability to influence others.
We become treasured earthen vases that reach out to others; vases that give love, understanding and compassion and make others happy. Exhilaration is contagious. We light up the world with our unspeakable joy when the light of the knowledge of the glory of GOD flows in the face of Christ through us.
Quite the opposite of sarcasm, irony, judgmental put downs and criticism which do not fertilize people's heart with love or bring people joy, exhilaration runs over like a flowing stream and before we know it the once sadden or hopeless person gets a spark from us and starts looking up instead of looking down. People see new ways and options when encountered with a person who truly exhilarates or stimulates them.
So let us treasure this joy for life that we have planted within us. This unspeakable joy that exhilarates us to move forward as our lives are being changed to glorify the Father in heaven.
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us" 2 Corinthians 4:7
Happy New Year Everyone!
May the Lord who is near to all who call on Him, give you peace and joy in all that you undertake to do during 2011.
Pat Garcia Schaack
*All Scriptures are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, New International Version published by ZONDERVAN
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