It was in 1966 that I first encountered the philosophy of one of the greatest coaches in American Football history. The Green Bay Packers played in the very first Super Bowl on January 15, 1966 and they won. I was only sixteen at the time and before me stood an unknown challenge which would reveal itself in Autumn of that year to integrate the segregated school system in Augusta, Georgia in September 1966. That was a year I will never forget. Two important changes took place in my life. Firstly, I had to turned my back on all that I knew and loved in my old school and go to a school filled with people with whom I had no association, people who hated me because of my skin color. Secondly, I heard Vince Lombardi give one of his most famous motivational speeches on that day. Coming home from church that Sunday, I sat before our television mesmerized as he talked about commitment and in hearing him talk about it, I knew I wanted to have that kind of commitment in my life. He said, the following words and I have copied them below because this changed my way of looking at my life journey:
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don’t do things right once in a while…you do them right all the time. Unless a man believes in himself and makes a total commitment to his career and puts everything he has into it – his mind, his body, his heart – what’s life worth to him? Once a man has made a commitment to a way of life, he puts the greatest strength in the world behind him. It’s something we call heart power. Once a man has made this commitment, nothing will stop him short of success. The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up. I would say that the quality of each man’s life is the full measure of that man’s commitment of excellence and victory – whether it be football, whether it be business, whether it be politics or government or what have you.” (Quotation by Vince Lombardi)
I realized then with sixteen, that what I wanted to accomplish in life would take commitment, hard work, forgiveness, perseverance, patience and learning how to get back up each time I fell. It would take leaving the road where many travelled and taking the road less travelled. It would mean taking responsibilty when I made mistakes; and it would mean sometimes standing alone.
This morning as I looked at the Green Bay Packers win their fourth Super Bowl title after fourteen years, tears ran down my face. I thought about Vince Lombardi, a Christian Man, who came out of a family of Italian immigrants who immigrated to the USA, who decided to live GOD's Divine Purpose for his life. Surely it was not easy for him. There were times that he was pushed down, knocked down or held down but Lombardi kept getting up. He knew he was a part of the winning team.
So was it also for Mike McCarthy and his Green Bay Packers this previous season. They were a team that nobody expected to win. Having ten wins and 6 losses, everybody had counted them out before they even began to play the Chicago Bears to determine who would go to the Super Bowl. However, Coach McCarthy and the Packer's team thought differently. They knew what others had forgotten. Winning has nothing to do with statistics or the best talented. It has to do with belief and that belief brings forth commitment and commitment brings forth that never give up attitude that makes you get up when knocked down and stand out, even if you are standing alone.
Looking at Green Bay win, I saw the commitment of unity. I saw the legacy that started back in 1959 with a little old Italian immigrant named Vince Lombardi continue to live on even though he has ended his life journey here on earth.
Congratulations, Coach McCarthy, congratualtions Green Bay Packers Team! Last night's game was absolutely great! As Vince Lombardi said years ago, and let me quote him again,
“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual. People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problems of modern society. Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work". (Quotation by Vincent Lombardi).
This is the beginning of a new week for all of us. It could be that you fell behind last week, or fell down and lost sight of your vision, your goal or your target. That is okay as long as you get up and stay committed to what you are becoming. Sometimes you just have to pull yourself up by your own shoe laces but that is allowed. Stay committed and keep marching onward to living GOD's Divine purpose for your Life.
Have a great week everyone and Be a blessing wherever you go.
Pat Garcia Schaack
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