Every now and then you come across people, who influence your life to such an extent, that you change. They usher in an expansion by operating on your heart and opening your eyes to see what you really could be. People of this calibre encourage you to keep moving forward. They refuel your motivation about your vision, put light on the dark crevices in the corners of your life, and broaden your view of how you see things. In other words, they cause you to stretch, and give you a healthy kick forward.
People like this are rare. They have a charge to be a blessing, to light the way, to point out truth and give direction to the people of God. They usually neglect their own comforts for the comforts of the majority. Such a person visited C3 Church, Hanau this past weekend, the honourable Graham Fletcher. I say, honourable because he is just that, an honourable and holy man of God.
If you were looking for a movie star, or seeking someone with a big oracle shouting out "Thus said the LORD", or looking for him to shake the earth or turn the moon red, then you would have been disappointed. Instead, you would have found Graham Fletcher, a humble man chosen by God, who came as the still small voice of the LORD to spread encouragement and truth to all who were willing to hear.
Full of humour, exact in his extrapolation of the scriptures, and filled with the dreams of what would happen, if people would hang on to their visions and keep moving, Fletch, as many call him, challenged us to prepare our upper room. Taking the text from 2 Kings 4: 8-17, he wetted our appetites by quietly digging up dreams that some of us had buried deep within us and he breathed life into them with the Word of God.
But he did not stop there. Graham Fletcher teased us with the revelations revealed to him in the scriptures and many of us sat and drank from the water that he was giving out from the wellsprings of life.
The Word, which came forth, had two parts. For those of us, who had gotten caught up in his web, there was only one way to free ourselves, hearing Part Two on Sunday morning. I admit that Sunday is the day when I relax. I attend church on Saturday and love my Saturday evening service, but nothing, not even my tiredness, could keep me from Sunday morning's service and Part Two.
Was it worth it? What do you think? Again, Fletch hit the bullseye and the Word of the LORD took root, deep root into thirsty souls. Taking 2 Kings 8:1-6, he showed us the care of the woman, who had prepared the upper room from 2 Kings 4:8-17, in famine and the restoration of her life after the famine had ceased.
Thanks, Fletch. The joy, revelation and power that were released through you will definitely be seen in our lives in the days ahead. We, at C3 Church Hanau, are glad to have you as a part of our family! Thank you, for resurrecting the dreams in many of us, dreams that we had forgotten and thank you for giving hope to those of us who are marching towards fulfilling our dreams.
As always, I can only say, you are simply the best!
Pat Garcia
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