Putting your trust in God will break every yoke that tries to hold you down. It is a fact and one that I cannot explain, but if you take God at his Word, you will find yourself doing the impossible. No, it is not just making it. It is much more than that. It is also not just staying alive. It goes deeper than that. It is not just a surface love with a surface commitment of going to church every Sunday to please God. No, it is much wider than that. This type of trust goes down into the psyche of your soul. It penetrates your mind and begins to change you.
Where once you thought you could not, you can; where once you thought there was no way, a path opens; where once you lived only for yourself, you start living for others; where once you waited for people to wait on you, now you serve them; where once you thought that life was over at 55 or 65, you see your life as just beginning; where once you saw total hopelessness, you see opportunities pulling you towards more options that you had not seen before; where once you were living a life of despair, you have found a tiny river of joy that keeps on increasing, flowing out of you and touching others.
No, this is not some type of Pollyanna, everybody's happy religion, where you are blindfolded and trying to pin the tail on a donkey, that I am talking about. It is not the ring around the roses, a pocketful of posies, either.
- Often the situations you are in do not change right away.
- Often the furnace gets hotter and you are barely hanging on.
- Often you have to turn your back on family members and friends who, with their well meaning words, are destructive because they do not understand what God is doing in your life.
- Often you find yourself standing up to be counted and you are the only one standing.
- Often you stand before a mountain, waiting on the signal to start climbing and go up a little higher while others jeer at you, shake their heads, saying you are crazy.
- Often it looks like you are defeated, but late in the midnight hour a door opens that you least expected.
This unchangeable, unalterable trust in God will put you in the driver's seat and keep you there. This investment is the best you can make while journeying here on earth. The European Union, The Congress of the United States of America, The Parliaments in Australia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and all the other countries cannot offer you unchangeable, unalterable trust. Governments change their minds with every delegate and with every election. What they promise today becomes obsolete tomorrow. If you put your trust in them, you are lost. Every political person serving in some type of governmental position has one trait that we all have, a deceitful heart. Don't believe me? Look at Jeremiah 17:9-10. The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I, the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve."
So start banking at the best bank offered for this world. The owner is trustworthy and good at his word. What he says, he will do. Getting to know him and learning how to stand on his promises will be the best investment you make for your journey. By him, the interest rates go up and your investment always increases.
"See the man who would not make God his refuge, but trusted in the abundance of his riches and sought refuge in his own destruction!
But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and forever."[2]
Be blessed this weekend.
Pat Garcia
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