Easter is here! In some European countries, Good Friday is a holiday, and everything is closed except the gas stations and the restaurants. Germany is one of those countries. The little town where I live is quiet. Many people take advantage of the holiday and go on vacation. XJ5MJKTRR78M
As I reflect on the meaning of Easter, and the misconceptions people have of why we celebrate it, I sadden at the thought of the people who do not understand what it is all about.
Easter has nothing to do with whether the person is bad or good. Some people are under the assumption being a good person eliminates the need to turn to Christ Jesus. I say Christ ,because that is the title of the Son of God who will either be your redeemer or judge on the Day of Judgment.
Contrary to what many of us believe, salvation is not about being good enough to not need him or being bad enough to need him. It is all about recognizing that your human nature is destructive, no matter how good or bad you think you are. Your good heartedness can never be compared to the nature of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. If it were so, he would have never come into the world, because the need for a redeemer, a bondsman, a sacrificial lamb offering would not have been necessary.
I am a Christian by choice, and I thank God he pulled me towards him at a very young age. Little did I know, the search of a young five year old girl, who was fascinated with the clouds of the sky, who wove incidences of her life into stories before she could write, who had a voice louder than others that would cause her to stick out among the crowds, would on this day, the sixth of April, be looking back and reflecting over her life, saying thanks and giving glory to the Lord God who has made all things. When you are young, you look forward instead of backward, but when you are older you enjoy those moments of enlightenment, when God opens your eyes and gives you the opportunity to see a part of the whole picture, which is neither forward nor backward. He lets you see a tiny drop of what he is doing, and you get an view of his goodness.
In such enlightened moments, like Moses, who had probably reached one hundred years of age at the time he wrote this proclamation, you can only bow down on your knees and say, "You are the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth, You are God.
Happy Easter Everyone, Jesus arose!
Pat Garcia
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