From afar The Child saw the sleepy town covered in the dawning light.
The Prophet stood on her right.
“What do you see, Child?”
“On the horizon, I see the sun as it appears,
Moving upward toward the Heaven.
A sleepy town stands afar,
Awaking into a new day.
Strangers with unknown faces
Appear before my eyes.
What I behold is scary,
Yet, the call of what’s beyond,
The call to the Zenith,
Spurs me on.
Beyond the horizon,
Where Heaven meets earth,
Awaits me my three dear friends:
Mr. Whale with his blue hairless skin,
Mr. Eagle with his hunter’s eyes,
And the lily pad with her heart-shaped face.
Your tender voice,
That whispers in my ear,
The memories that make me giggle,
The strand of trust,
That causes me to move one foot after the other,
Is what I hear.
I see the pinnacle.
It’s leading me toward the x-intercept,
And I hear your voice as you cry out,
Very good, Child, you have done well.
Upward, I’m going,
How far I do not know.
The appointment to be there
Pulls me forward.
It’s the zenith I seek.”
The Child turned toward The Prophet.
“Go ahead, dear Prophet,
Leave your charge.
My task lies ahead.
I’ll meet you around the bend.”
And The Prophet disappeared before her eyes.
The Child walked toward the strange town with its people. The wind caressed her face.
A voice hummed in the wind,
“Well done, my Child,
I’ll see you around the bend,”
A triumphant smile appeared on her face,
And she quickened her pace.
“Thank you, dear Prophet,”
She said,
“I’ll see you around the bend.”
Pat Garcia
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