We are living in troubled times.
No shit, you say. Where have you been?
- Well, I’ve been looking at the capitulated faces of people who feel deserted, abandoned, and betrayed.
- I’ve been listening as the world leaders declare they are doing all they can to insure peace while they sell weapons to maintain the status quo for their allies.
- I’ve been watching as people risk their lives, paying enormous prices to board dilapidated ships that no one would even dare to transport scrap.
- And I’ve been observing as nations close their borders in fear that people fleeing from war zones might threaten their financial prosperity.
People are dying by the hundreds, and we pay homage to the death as if it is the reason for our existence. True, all of us are destined to die, and some of us who will be living at a specific point in time will not die, instead will be changed over in a twinkling of an eye, but to die is neither the reason why we were born nor the purpose behind our existence.
- People are risking their lives for a tad bit of safety,
- Seeking the silent night that is not disturbed by glaring lights and sounds of bombs exploding,
- Running to the mountains leaving behind what they once considered so precious,
- And we?
What are we doing?
Pat Garcia
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