Two Thousand One,
War on Planet Earth began,
Step by step,
Country by country,
From east to west,
And north to south,
Culture fighting culture,
Tradition struggling tradition,
Religion prodding religion,
Race killing race,
Nationality prevaricating nationality,
Men predating women,
Power strangling,
Dictators glorified,
Women pained,
Children borne,
Bombs blasted in the air,
People died.
Two Thousand Three
Victory proclaimed!
Guns still heard,
Human bombs exploded,
Culture against culture,
Tradition against tradition,
Religion against religion,
Race against race
Nationality against nationality.
Supermen appeared,
No one understood them,
People died.
Two Thousand Eleven,
War continued to spread,
From east to west,
And north to south.
Talks began,
Discussions faltered,
Chemicals perfumed the air,
Children gasped and suffocated,
Women mourned,
Hands wrung in despair,
The helpless shut their eyes
As they entered eternity.
People died.
Two Thousand Fourteen,
Planet Earth restless,
Country by country,
From east to west,
And north to south.
Culture fighting culture,
Tradition struggling tradition,
Religion prodding religion,
Race killing race,
Nationality prevaricating nationality,
Dissension deepened,
Hatred increased,
Guns sounded out,
Human bombs exploded,
Bombs burst in the air,
People died.
Two Thousand Fifteen,
Human carcasses covered Planet Earth.
The ocean's mouth opened wide,
Welcoming the feed, it received from above.
Nature blossomed; bodies fertilized its soil.
People talked,
Negotiations stalled,
Guns shot,
Human bombs exploded,
Bombs from planes killed,
As dilapidated boats on the sea transported people to their graves,
People died.
What is this disease?
That prevents us from seeing,
From hearing,
From feeling.
Grace extinct?
Mercy obsolete?
Compassion passé?
Two Thousand Sixteen,
May eighth,
Women force into prostitution,
Babies fish out of the sea,
Bombs from planes kill,
Human bombs explode,
Refugees on the run,
Barbwire fences rise,
Soldiers protect borders,
Men talk,
Governments negotiate,
People die,
And well we…
We celebrate Mother's Day.
Shalom Aleichem,
Pat Garcia
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