This Skyward look is totally cloudy. No signs of light. Gray clouds are spread across the heaven and remind me of the election farce the American people are experiencing. Reality television at its finest. People’s minds exploited while a Boxer and a Chow Chow parade during prime time hours as candidates for President of the United States of America.
I was thinking about the breakdown in communication, which has caused so many lives in Syria and surrounding countries when I took this photo of the sky.
I thought about how arrogant humanity has become. We depend on our knowledge and wisdom and never look upward to the One who sees more than we see and knows more than we know.
Monday, the Germans celebrated the German Independence Day. For the first time in years, people were yelling, shouting, some screaming, Go back to where you came. We don’t want you here, to Chancellor Merkel. What does that remind you of?
Hungary rejected the resolution not to accept a refugee quota; their President has not changed and moved into a position of tolerance. What does that mean?
Two world powers cannot agree about Syria and how the endless slaughter of innocent children and adults should end. They do not trust each other. So, these two countries, the United States and Russia have suspended peace talks. What are they telling us?
The majority of the people (50.21 percent) rejected the peace contract with the FARC in Colombia. Has forgiveness lost it appeal? What happens next?
Refugees are on the run in cities where they have been resettled: barbwire fences are coming up; cultures are battling against each other, doing their best to keep the refugees out.
What am I saying?
Where there is no vision, no room for forgiveness, and no compassion, people perish.
My vision for my life leads me to many different villages, cities, and countries on the European Continent. For a young child born in a small town, I am amazed at what I have seen, the events I have sung at, and most of all, at the people I have met so far. Especially concerning interacting with people, I discovered a long time ago as a stranger on this continent that a smile goes a long way. This is one of the pictures I took of a beautiful castle while attending a wedding in Oestrich-Winkel, Germany.
I am always amazed at the sky when I travel. The cloud formations speak to me. They are an everlasting testimony of God’s faithfulness in my life. Sometimes, I stop and capture the picture of the heaven with my iPhone. It slows me down because I have to exit the autobahn and find a safe place to capture my picture. Yet, it is refreshing too because I have taken the time to enjoy the beauty of the creation.
The gong struck. Fifty-two percent of the people in the United Kingdom voted to return to self-independent rule and leave the protective shield of the European Union.
What most people do not understand is why?
The European Union itself is struggling to find answers to the dissatisfaction smoldering among countries that are no longer looking for a safety hatch. An ulcer, which zaps the creativity and the ability for the people to decide on a national level, has caused one nation to leave. Will others follow?
There is no win-win situation in this scenario; the European Union faces a challenge.
I do not have any answers. However, I do know one of its founding fathers has cut its ties and will be missed.
Today, I thought I would present the heaven at a family event. I work alone in my office. It is in my basement, and thank God, I have tiny windows that give me sunshine but I do not see the sky. That is one reason the heaven fascinates me. Whenever I can, which is often, I take the time to sit outside and admire the sky. So, today, out of the norm, I share with you a picture of me in Grosskrotzenburg at my favourite restaurant. It is my favourite because I can sit outside. Along with me is my husband. I was happy he could join me.
When I look at this picture, I always smile. You see I was walking down the steps of the old city when I took this one. No one told me that cars were not allowed in the old city. There are parking lots on the outside of the city. My writing conference was in a hotel at the highest point by the cathedral, and I had to walk. The walk up approximately 1600 meters upward according to my estimation was a challenge. The second evening, when I walked down to go to the parking lot, this view of the sky caused me to stand still and enjoy the peace Matera offered me.
Surprisingly, very few people are speaking out about the journalists, authors, and other intellectuals who have been arrested in Turkey. Suddenly the freedom of speech is stuck somewhere in our throats or better more has become a cloth that covers our mouths. We do not want to offend. Does that sound familiar? Does it sound like the same rhetoric used in 1939?
Where are we headed? When wrong becomes right and right is no longer guided by true north principles, the world tumbles and people all over the world suffer.
Have we forgotten what happened over seventy years ago when every nation tried to placate the new German Chancellor? Everyone ignored his speeches. Everyone closed their eyes to his threats. Are we repeating the same mistake in 2016?
I was preparing to go to Matera, Italy, this time, last year. I had been to Italy several times, to Verona, to the Tuscany region, to Rome, to Lake Garda before Matera, and I have to say each location edified my soul.
Then, I went to Matera for a writing workshop, and Southern Italy won my heart. This picture is a part of the old city. What fascinated me the most was the going down of the sun, indicating the end of the day over The Castle. I stood and dreamed, imagining how it would be to live in such a Castle, to look out as the sun went down and the sky turned to a bright blue.
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